Restrictions of border movement limitations in connection with the virus pandemy SARS-CoV-2 (coronavirus)
In response to the announcement of the epidemic state on the territory of the Republic of Poland, on 13 March 2020, the Minister of the Internal Affairs and Administration issued an Order on temporary suspension or restriction of border traffic at specific border crossing points.
Since 15 March 2020, from 0.00 a.m. until further notice, border traffic has been suspended at specific border crossing points in Annex 1 to the Regulation of the Minister of the Internal Affairs and Administration of 13 March 2020 on temporary suspension or restriction of border traffic at specific border crossing points with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine.
Entry of foreigners into the territory of the Republic of Poland from 15 March 2020 from 0.00 a.m. until further notice at border crossing points with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine may take place only at the border crossing points specified in Annex No. 2 to the Regulation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration (listed below) and only under certain rules (taking into account the name of the border crossing point, type of crossing point, type of border traffic allowed) and, moreover, only the categories of persons who want to cross the border specified also in that Annex.
Lp. |
Name of the border crossing point |
Type of border crossing |
Permitted type of border traffic |
Opening time of the border crossing point |
1. |
Braniewo – Mamonowo |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
2. |
Bezgledy – Bagrationowsk |
passenger cars |
passenger cars: passenger cars ; trucks-cars with an axle load of up to 8 t, carrying out international transport |
24 hours a day |
3. |
Głomno – Bagrationowsk |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
4. |
Skandawa – Żeleznodorożnyj |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
5. |
Grzechotki – Mamonowo II |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
6. |
Kuźnica Białostocka – Grodno |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
7. |
Kuźnica Białostocka – Bruzgi |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
8. |
Bobrowniki – Bierestowica |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
9. |
Zubki Białostockie – Bierestowica |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
10. |
Siemianówka – Swisłocz |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
11. |
Kukuryki – Kozłowiczy |
passenger cars |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
12. |
Terespol – Brześć |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
13. |
Terespol – Brześć |
passenger cars |
passenger cars |
24 hours a day |
14. |
Dorohusk – Jagodzin |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
15. |
Dorohusk – Jagodzin |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
16. |
Hrubieszów – Włodzimierz Wołyński |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
17. |
Hrebenne – Rawa Ruska |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
18. |
Werchrata – Rawa Ruska |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
19. |
Korczowa – Krakowiec |
passenger cars |
passenger cars; multi -purpose trucks |
24 hours a day |
20. |
Przemyśl – Mościska |
Railway |
Railway |
24 hours a day |
At the above-mentioned border crossing points in terms of passenger traffic in the direction of entry to the Republic of Poland will be allowed to cross the border:
- citizens of the Republic of Poland;
- foreigners who are spouses or children of citizens of the Republic of Poland or who are under constant care of citizens of the Republic of Poland;
- foreigners holding the Card of the Pole;
- heads of diplomatic missions and members of diplomatic and consular staff of the missions, i.e. persons holding diplomatic degrees and members of their families;
- foreigners who have the right of permanent or temporary residence on the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- foreigners having the right to work in the territory of the Republic of Poland, i.e. foreigners authorized to perform work on the same principles as Polish citizens, having a work permit, a seasonal work permit, a statement on entrusting work to a foreigner in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- foreigners who operate a means of transport used to transport goods.
In particularly justified cases, not indicated above, the Commander of the Border Guard post, after obtaining the consent of the Commander-in-Chief of the Border Guard, may permit a foreigner to enter the territory of the Republic of Poland under the procedure set out in the Act of 12 December 2013 on foreigners.
From 15 March 2020, from 0.00 a.m. until further notice, the restrictions will also apply at border crossings with the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Lithuania, the Slovak Republic in the direction of entry into the Republic of Poland for persons crossing the state border at air and sea border crossings and crossing the state border with passenger cars at road border crossings. Only specific categories of persons will be allowed to cross the border, the same as at border crossings with the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus and Ukraine (listed above).
Moreover, according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 13 March 2020 on declaring a state of epidemic emergency on the territory of the Republic of Poland, a person crossing the border in order to go to his/her place of residence or stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland is obliged to undergo, after crossing the state border, obligatory quarantine, lasting 14 days counting from the day following the crossing of this border.
Therefore, in practice, it means that border traffic at the border crossing points with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine may be carried out only at specific border crossing points, in passenger cars and is limited to the categories of persons specified in the Regulation (indicated above).
International flights and transport of persons by the railways are suspended. It is only possible to cross the border crossing point with the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Czech Republic, the Republic of Lithuania, the Slovak Republic in the direction of entry into the territory of the Republic of Poland by passenger car.
Rail transport is limited to the goods traffic.
In addition, from 15 March 2020 to 24 March 2020, on the basis of the Regulation of the Minister of the Internal Affairs and Administration of 13 March 2020 on the reintroduction of temporary border control on persons crossing the state border constituting an internal border, temporary border control on persons (the state border with the Czech Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Lithuania, the Slovak Republic, at sea ports constituting an internal border within the meaning of the Schengen Borders Code, at airports constituting an internal border within the meaning of the Schengen Borders Code) was overturned.
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