Changes in the department of foreigners’ affairs due to Coronavirus

Mar 17, 2020

CHANGES IN THE DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGNERS’ AFFAIRS DUE TO CORONAVIRUS – communication of the Mazovian Voivodeship Office in Warsaw, Department of Foreigners Affairs, dated 15.03.2020. Out of concern for health and safety of clients and office staff, to limit the spread of SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus causing COVID-19.

Department of Foreigners closes direct customer service

From March 16, the building at ul. Marszałkowska and Krucza 5/11 will be excluded from direct customer service. No customers will be allowed into the building.

Please regularly check the messages on the website or contact via the contact form or by e-mail

Please send correspondence to the following address:

Mazowiecki Urząd Wojewódzki w Warszawie,
Wydział Spraw Cudzoziemców,
ul. Marszałkowska 3/5,
00-624 Warszawa

Foreigners, who have had an appointment to collect residence cards or decisions will be able to collect the card only in exceptional situations after prior appointment by phone or e-mail. Other foreigners are asked to do not visit the office.

At the same time, we would like to inform you that the deadlines for filling in formal requirements, including in particular the confirmation of personal appearance and fingerprints, as well as the deadlines for submission of other documents, which expire during the period when the direct service in the WSC is switched off, will be counted from the date of resumption of direct service, without causing negative consequences for the foreign applicant. Therefore, please follow the information on the website: carefully and systematically.

The reservation of visits for applications is suspended until further notice. A message about reinstating the booking of visits via the Internet calendar will be placed on the department’s website.

The visits of foreigners who received a written letter of formal notice have been cancelled since March 16th this year. These foreigners will be informed about the new appointment date by letter or e-mail.

Foreigners who have booked visits between 16.03.2020 and 31.03.2020 to submit an application:

  • a residence permit in Poland (temporary, permanent, long-term EU resident)
  • issue/exchange of residence card
  • issuing a Polish travel document for a foreigner (PDP) or a temporary Polish travel document for a foreigner (TPDP) or a Polish identity document for a foreigner (PDTC)
  • registration of the residence of an EU citizen and their family members, permanent residence of EU citizens, or issuance of a residence card of an EU citizen’s family member, permanent residence card of an EU citizen’s family member
  • granting/recognition/confirmation of possession or loss of Polish citizenship/recognition as a repatriate
  • cash payment

We recommend that you send your application by post to the address:

Mazovian Voivodship Office in Warsaw,
The Department of Foreigners,
3/5 Marszałkowska Street,
00-624 Warsaw.

In order to obtain additional information, please call 22 695 65 75 or use the contact form: and systematically monitor the website and the announcements placed in the office of the Department informing about possible further decisions concerning changes in the functioning of the Department for Foreigners.

First of all, for the safety of clients, please limit visits to the office to the necessary minimum. If the case you have to deal with is not urgent, please postpone your personal visit.

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